Salesforce Data Sources in DataBridger

Connecting Salesforce to DataBridger is easy. Once connected, you’ll be able to load data bidirectionally with all your exisiting data sources. Here you’ll find a step-by-step tutorial for beginners to DataBridger as well as for those who have used DataBridger before, on how to connect to and utilize Salesforce data sources in DataBridger.

Click here to view a playlist of the videos in this tutorial.

Overview of the Project and DataBridger

This project can be reproduced in your environment.  We have broken it into small reproducible steps.  We understand that our audience may include veteran DataBridger users who may already know some of the steps we are going through, so feel free to skip those steps and move to those that are new for you.

In this video, we will:

  • Review the architecture of the DataBridger product
  • Talk about working with Salesforce as a data source
  • Review the objectives of our project

Preparing Salesforce for DataBridger Access

If you haven’t access Salesforce before with DataBridger, you are going to need to:

  • Create a WDSL which describes the objects in your installation of Salesforce
  • Need to have your Salesforce admin grant API access by:
  • By adding your organization IP address as a trusted IP in Salesforce
  • By setting up a security token for your login

Gernerate WSDL in  Salesforce Classic


Gernerate WSDL in  Salesforce Lightning

View the following documentation from Salesforce to help you follow this step.

What is WSDL?
A WSDL (Web Services Description Language) file describes the objects and operations made available by a web service. A web service is something provided by an application, such as Salesforce, to allow other applications to interact with it.

The WSDL file you generated includes your org’s custom objects as well as standard Salesforce objects.

WSDL (Wikipedia)

SOAP (Wikipedia)

Preparing DataBridger for Use in Your Project


Learn the prerequsites to using DataBridger for this project.

Introduction to preparing for DataBridger


Download DataBridger from taurus.com and install it on your machine.

Downloading and installing DataBridger


After installing, validate DataBrider with a key provided by a Taurus representative.

Validating DataBridger


Before starting any project in DataBridger, you’ll need to set up a project file.

Setting up a project file


Connecting to Our Data Sources

We’ll use a comma-separated values (CSV) file to use as the source table which we’ll load sample account records into Salesforce from. Place it in a directory your DataBridger installation has access to, so you can add it as a data source. A CSV file contains rows and columns, just like a table in a database. It’s a lot simpler than a database, however, which will help us focus on what this article is really about: Salesforce data sources.

Connect to Salesforce

Create an XML data source using the WSDL file you generated in your Salesforce environment.

Create a CSV data source using the file you downloaded from the top of this section.

Connect to the CSV file

Creating a Virtual Table

Create a virtual table and find out how to interact with Salesforce in DataBridger

Create a Virtual Table

(Optional) Read explanations of all the standard fields in the Account object on Salesforce.


Create Load Mapping

In this video, we will create a load mapping that defines a relationship between target Salesforce fields to fields in our sample source table. Note: The video assumes you have a virtual mapping. If you do not, you can create a load mapping by clicking and dragging the createAccount virtual table onto Load Mapings and selecting the CSV data source when prompted for a source table.


Run Load Script

In this video, we will create and run a load script. The script will read records from the sample file and write records to Salesforce. We will view the records in Salesforce.

Continue Learning About Salesforce in DataBridger

We’ve loaded records into Salesforce, but what about querying Salesforce records from DataBridger?

Query Salesforce Records with a Query Virtual Table

Talk to a Person

Stuck? Talk to a Taurus support representative by phone or email. We’re here to help your project become a success.

(650) 482-2022 Ext. 2
